Manifest, Unlock, Achieve Your Goals and True Potential: Life Coach Michele Connor

Michele Connor is the founder of “Ask and It is Given Online.” She is an author and contributed to the books “Speak Up, Step Up, Stand Out,” and “The Change.”

Her passion focuses on helping people achieve their goals. Michele has seen the frustrations and doubts that people experience in their daily lives. She wants to help in discovering themselves and unlock their true potential.

Michele teaches about the emotional guidance system and how it affects your life.

She emphasizes that a decision should be made only when it is sure it is the right thing to do. You shouldn’t force yourself to work if you don’t feel like it because if you do, it will only drain your energy.

Your emotions can affect your ability to manifest. You wouldn’t be able to attract positive experiences or outcomes if your energy is low. If you can enable change and have a genuine feeling, you might start attracting positive manifestations in your life.

In this episode, Michele talks about manifestation, emotions, and how they can affect your decisions and how it affects your life as well.

Michele also mentioned the importance of investing in yourselves as a form of action. It enables you to move forward and exhibit change for the betterment of life.

Get the inspiration and motivation you need to move forward, discover where you need to go, and unlock your true potential.
