Create a Healthy Mind and Healthy Life Through Neurolinguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy: Bling Angel & Civil Marriage Celebrant Gina Callan

Gina is the founder of Licensed to Wed (Civil Marriage Celebrant) and Ambit Coaching (Life Coach). An award winning, experienced and caring civil marriage celebrant, Gina works with clients to craft bespoke celebrations to reflect their particular ideas, needs, and preferences.

Gina discusses how you can overcome adversity and become their best versions. Specifically, she is all about empowering female couples and groups to find more joy in love, life, and leadership.

As a civil marriage celebrant, she’s met many clients who were insecure about their relationships; they felt lonely and isolated, impacting their emotional health.

Gina’s role is to keep an ear out for patterns in people’s thought language, to be a lifelong learner, and to collect information that can be used to help individuals look into the problem at hand and address its root.

Like most people, Gina Callan describes how she was brought up to be entirely self-reliant. However, the reality is that no man is an island and that communities flourish when members lend a hand to one another.

Gina makes use of coaching methods to deal with diverse clients, allowing her to assess each individual’s needs and provide tailored recommendations for how to handle their concerns effectively.

Gina Callan’s role restores calm, wealth, and meaning to those who have lost their way.

This episode is a must-listen if you are single, or in a relationship, struggling with your emotional health and mentality. If you want better at home and work, with a more satisfying life, tune in right now!
