Gain a Fresh Perspective on Your Goals: Career Coach Gabriele Roedter

Meet Dr. Gabriele Roedter, a dynamic career consultant and mental performance coach with over 40 years of transformative experience. She is passionately committed to helping professionals break free from unfulfilling routines and rediscover their true purpose. Dr. Roedter’s unique, holistic approach as an executive sparring partner goes beyond conventional coaching, addressing both personal and professional well-being.

Are you feeling unfulfilled by a career path that no longer sparks joy? Do negative thoughts and worries hold you back from pursuing your passions? Dr. Gabriele Roedter understands these challenges, having guided professionals for over 40 decades in cultivating self-awareness, aligning with their true motivations, and designing purposeful careers through mindfulness practices.


Talking Points

In this insightful discussion, Dr. Roedter shares powerful insights and questions to provoke thought:

  • Unlocking Your Potential (0:34) – Gain clarity on your intrinsic motivations and stop feeling like a victim of circumstances outside your control.
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs (02:37) – What skills and resources do you already have to design a new path, and what fears or excuses are holding you back from change?
  • Mindfulness for Growth (06:50) – How can daily habits like gratitude, self-reflection and outsider perspectives support personal evolution beyond past patterns or assumptions?
  • Designing Meaningful Change (10:49) – Small, sustainable adjustments that you could make today to recalibrate your mindset and energy for larger changes over time.
  • The Power of Self-Reflection (14:06) – Examining your unconscious beliefs and patterns through regular reflection to help strengthen alignment with your authentic self.
  • Commitment to Growth (16:50) – Discipline and accountability strategies that could support you learning and practicing new behaviors for positive change.
  • Resources and Final Words (20:06) – Repetition and discipline is necessary for meaningful change.

Tune in to the full episode to learn more about transforming yourself, getting rid of negative thought patterns, and more! Stay tuned for Dr. Roedter’s upcoming website for resources and support for personal and professional growth. Within you lies the power to shape your own destiny. Your life is waiting to unfold in wonderful ways – start today.