How to Identify Dementia Symptoms and Get the Right Help With Dementia Advocate Karen Rongonui

Karen Rongonui is a dedicated healthcare worker and dementia advocate. She co-authored Pat Mesiti’s book “The Light Bulb Moment” and has extensive experience in the healthcare and disability fields. Karen is deeply committed to helping those affected by dementia, drawing from her personal journey of caring for her mother as her dementia advanced. By sharing her story, Karen aims to raise awareness and understanding of dementia, offering guidance and support to others facing similar challenges. She will share her d personal experiences and insights on how to recognize early signs of dementia, navigate medical red tape, and create a care plan.

Dementia is a devastating condition that affects millions of families worldwide. Many caregivers struggled to identify the signs that something was wrong. How can we separate normal aging from a serious problem like dementia? At what point should our loved ones be evaluated by a doctor? In this podcast, Karen discussed the importance of support, understanding, and early detection in managing dementia.


Talking Points

Karen aims to raise awareness and understanding of dementia, offering guidance and support to others facing similar challenges.

  • Learn to listen and be observant. Karen shares her experience with dementia awareness, highlighting the importance of listening and being observant.
  • Process for getting tested for dementia. A person with dementia cannot remember simple things like repeating words or following instructions. Karen helps her mother by keeping her active and engaged in activities like crossword puzzles; unfortunately, her condition gradually worsened. 
  • Karen’s Memories With Her Mother. Karen says her mother shares her happy and fun memories as if she relives her past.
  • The Care Plan Dementia Patients. Karen encourages elderly loved ones to go to the doctor, even if they resist or make excuses. The care plan helps family members manage their loved one’s dementia care.
  • Dementia care, support groups, and coping strategies. Karen shared their experience with dementia diagnosis and the initial panic and negative thinking that came with it.   
  • Dementia support and the importance of listening to others. Karen offers support through chat and social media for those with dementia and their caregivers.

Tune in to learn more about dementia and to prepare for what may lie ahead with our own aging loved ones. This story of resilience in the face of heartbreak will leave you both educated and inspired. Karen offers hope – you are not alone, and there are people who want to help.